The Good Research Project

Original Research -

A batch of 4-6 students work together as a team to complete an Original Research – Observational Study Design. The final aim is to publish an Original Research / Investigation article in a PubMed indexed journal. 

Research Topics: 

  • New research batches start on 5th and 20th of every month. 
  • Announcements about topics and specialities are made on official Instagram pages and WhatsApp groups.
  • Interested students can register by paying the course fees. 

After registration:

  • Immediately after registration, students will receive an email for confirmation of payment. 
  • Within the next 1-2 working days, students will receive an email from the TGRP team for selection of speciality and topic of interest. Kindly revert back to the same email.
  • Another email will have a link to join the topic/ group selected by the student. 
  • Important: Make sure to check your spam. 
  • Important: If you do not receive an email within 2 working days after registration, feel free to contact [email protected] .

What happens inside the group? What will be the task of the student?

  • Inside the research group, all students introduce themselves. 
  • A TGRP team member helps to complete the paperwork.
  • A live session / recorded video helps to understand the aims of the project and the 1st task of data collection is divided amongst students and the deadline set. 
  • The collected data is analysed by an expert statistician. 
  • A live session / recorded video teaches you to interpret statistical analysis. 
  • A live session / recorded video teaches about how to write an original article and the task is divided amongst students and the deadline set.
  • Article is edited for grammar, language, and plagiarism by TGRP team members. Important suggestions for improvement or necessary changes are given. 
  • A list of suitable journals is decided based on the requirements of the students. 
  • The article along with cover letter, title page, contributor’s form is submitted into the journal. 

BONUS: Students will be able to write any original article as per STROBE guidelines.

How can a student be eligible to be an author?

  • Strictly, ICJME criteria for authorship is followed. 


The ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
  2. Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


In our research groups, this is equivalent respectively to 

  1. Designing of research projects, Data collection and interpretation.
  2. Article writing task.
  3. Reading the entire article and approving it, prior to submission.
  4. Taking responsibility that the task of data collection, article writing and the final article is correct and appropriate, to the best knowledge of the student. 


Authorship position: 

Authorship positions are decided based on who does the most work in the group. And the task/work is allotted based on first come, first served basis. TGRP cannot decide beforehand about authorship position. All authors must satisfy all four ICJME criteria for authorship.

  • Why is this a paid course ?

TGRP charges fees, that is educational fees. This covers guidance by mentors for designing research projects and teaching, statistician fees, research coordinator fees, article editing , grammar, plagiarism check multiple times , and assistance with submission.

  • What are the publication fees? Is it included with the course fees?

Publication fees are NOT included with the course fees. It can vary from $0 to 50$ per student, depending on the journal. TGRP will suggest only indexed journals with affordable fee structure & fast peer-review / publication time. 

  • What is the time duration of this research course ? And time commitment required each day?

The research projects are designed keeping in mind that students are busy with studies/rotations/exams. The projects are simple and need 6-8 hours of complete time dedication for the entire duration (not per day or week). Most research projects are completed in 2-3 weeks.

  • Who will teach us ?

Dr. Shreya Deoghare , MBBS, MD DVL (board certified dermatologist in India) is the Founder CEO and the research mentor for all the projects of The Good Research Project. She has published 25+ articles and presented in several national and international conferences till date. You can read about her and TGRP in the “About Us” section. There are other TGRP team members who will also be helping you. 

  • I am a beginner with no experience in research. Is this course for me ?

More than 50% of our students are beginners. It is recommended that beginners should first take up “Introduction to Research and Publication” course, followed by “Original Research” and “Letter to Editor”.. 

  • Is this a meta-analysis ?

TGRP is known for conducting observational type of study, medical student survey, letter to editor and review articles.

  • How many articles have you published till date?

TGRP has mentored 500+ students, organised 75+ research groups and published 40+ articles till date. The other research groups are in various stages like – data collection, article writing, article submission and peer-review. You can view the list of published articles here: “Publications”. 

  • What if the article gets rejected ?

There are 100s of journals out there in every speciality. If it gets rejected in one journal, the article is submitted to another journal, till it gets published.

  • Are patients involved ?

No, this is a completely virtual research study. Patients are not involved.

  • How do we get ethics committee approval ?

TGRP is associated with a private ethics committee who grant approval or exemption. Since, most of the research study does not involve patients, ethics committee approval is not needed.

  • What is the time for publication?

Time for publication is decided by the journal. After submission in a journal- an article goes through following stages- technical modifications, editorial review, peer review, answering reviewers comments, peer re-review, approval, copy editing, final editorial review, publication. The time for each of these parts can vary depending on the journal & publication frequency of the journal. Average time is 1 month to 12 months. At TGRP, we have a curated list of journals, which are indexed, affordable, fast peer review and publication time. 

  • What if it is not accepted in PubMed indexed journals?

If students agree, the article is submitted to good journals indexed in SCopus, Web of Science and DOAJ. 

  • I need more help / have a query. How can I reach out to you?

The Good Research Project Team is more than happy to assist you. You can reach out to us via email [email protected] 

Combo Courses with Discounts

Combo Name Original fees Combo Discount Final Fees Link to register
Introduction to Research & Publication Rs 2100 / $26 None Rs 2100 / $26
Original Research (OR) Rs 22,500 / $270 None Rs 22,500 / $270
Letter to Editor (LTE) Rs 11,200 / $135 None Rs 11,200 / $135
Mixed Combo 2 (Intro + OR + LTE) Rs 36,365 / $431 10% off Rs 33,000 / $388
Mixed Combo 3 (Intro + 2OR + LTE) Rs 59,585 / $701 15% off Rs 51,000 / $596
Combo 2OR Rs 45,000 / $540 10% off Rs 40,500 / $486
Combo 3OR Rs 67,500 / $810 15% off Rs 57,375 / $690
Combo 5OR Rs 1,12,500 / $1350 20% off Rs 90,000 / $1080 Register Here (₹) Register Here ($)
NR Rs 25,000 / $300 20% off Rs 20,000 / $240
Combo 2NR Rs 50,000 / $600 25% off Rs 36,000 / $450