The aim is to provide students with a well-written draft of Thesis Protocol/ Synopsis, ready for submission to the Ethics Committee.
What will you provide ?
- Topic
- Aims & objectives
- Methodology in brief (Type of study design and sample size should be approved by your guide)
- Completed Data collection Excel sheet
What will you get ?
- A well-written article ready for submission to the ethics committee in 15-20 pages with 20-25 references.
- Grammar and plagiarism checked
- Introduction in 500 words
- Aims & objectives in up to 200 words
- Review of literature up to 1000-2500 words or 5-10 pages, depending on the topic and requirements
- Methodology (up to 750 words)
- Results (500-750 words) Along with Statistical analysis, tables and figures.
- Discussion (750-850 words)
- Limitations and Conclusion
- Participant information sheet
- Participant Written Consent Form
- Annexure – Data collection sheet or proforma
TGRP is providing writing services only. Final document should be reviewed by student and guide prior to submission for ethics committee approval